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Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Small-scale and commercial suction gold dredges.

Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Lower Prices Bring Layoffs

The extensive cost reductions now being put in place are not just a short-term reaction to the recent drop in gold prices...
Micron Mill Wave Tables, assay supplies, concentrators, impact mills, technical books & more!

Home Office Deductions

The Internal Revenue Service recently announced (IR-2013-5) a new, simplified option for those who use a home office, which would apply to owners of home-based mining or prospecting operations and businesses.

Turning Hobby Mining into Business Mining

The first thing a person should do is seriously consider whether they want to go mining as a hobby or a business, and the tax implications of the choice.

Over the Fiscal Cliff for Tax Savings

The so-called “Fiscal Cliff” tax package recently passed by Congress and signed into law renewed more than 50 temporary tax breaks through 2013, saving individuals and businesses about $76 billion.
Serving Professional and Recreational Prospectors since 1979

Melman on Gold & Silver

...this debacle may easily lead to disenchantment with government programs in general and politicians of all stripes in particular. Historically, that kind of unrest has been positive for precious metals markets.

Melman on Gold & Silver

That is one of the problems with much of the so-called objective information we regularly receive—it is so tinged with partisanship that much of it can barely be believed...

Melman on Gold & Silver

I believe gold and silver prices, to at least some extent, negatively mirror the society's confidence in the ability of government to continue providing economic and social services.
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Melman on Gold & Silver

It is difficult to look at unrestrained growth in such important monetary indicators without becoming concerned about the future stability of America's economic system.

Melman on Gold & Silver

...frankly, the question is being asked, "How in the world could otherwise rational people even consider investments in the yellow in the yellow and white metals?"

Melman on Gold & Silver

Once again last month the world seemed to be tottering uncertainly on the precipice of whether to continue with some manner of austerity in order to begin restoring government balance sheets to some semblance of fiscal conservatism or whether to openly return to the previous eras of wide-open stimulation via debt, deficits and unlimited money creation.
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Melman on Gold & Silver

Banking problems continue to find their way into the world’s financial media, and we note below that another nation, Slovenia, is now grabbing attention with a banking crisis of their own as well as a downgrading of their national bonds by Moody’s Investment Services.

Melman on Gold & Silver

It may be no exaggeration at all to state that the past thirty days have seen a collection of headlines that could affect the world profoundly for years to come.

Melman on Gold & Silver

Last month saw the mining industry take center stage as Toronto, Ontario was once again host city for the giant PDAC annual mining convention. We take at look at that gathering below, focusing on some of the negative industry sentiment on display.

Melman on Gold & Silver

Quite suddenly, another major financial issue with significant implications for the world of precious metals has been gaining growing attention. We are referring to concern about looming “currency wars,” and we also discuss that topic...

Melman on Gold & Silver

Well, the year 2013 is now underway and we have surely entered the “Brave New World” that has followed the election of 2012. From my personal point of view, and I might add, unfortunately, this year and the ones following are beginning to appear that they will turn out to be quite similar to the preceding period.


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