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The Bawl Mill
January 2007 by Staff
• Take the money and run...• Blame it on the kid
• A cheap dinner date...
• For the couple who has everything...
Who Jumped Whose Claim First?
At this point, stress raised my blood pressure and I was figuring out escape routes through the brush, but thought it best to continue the conversation.
What Equipment Do I Need?
Getting started in prospecting often requires the purchase of some equipment, but one can spend as little as $10 and be finding gold or spend thousands and also be finding gold—yet you will probably have many more opportunities and possibilities with more and better equipment.
Looking Back
Excerpts from California Mining Journal, our original title, published 50 years ago this month.
Trail to Treasure
We are both very experienced working this type of ground, and we quickly found the pay layer where we would focus our efforts. The bedrock has good gold, but so does the red hard pan.
The Bawl Mill
• Don't expect Santa to be healthy this Christmas
• Fast-food delivery
• Just in time for the holidays
Silverton's Gold
Within this area, about two million ounces of gold and fifty million ounces of silver have been mined. Faults, dikes, veins and fissures that carry the ore form a concentric radial pattern—like spokes on a wagon wheel—around the caldera core.
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Legislative and Regulatory Update
• In Pursuit of Gold and Silver in the Sierra Madres
• Chinese Gold Consumption to Grow
• Researching and Staking Mining Claims—Part II
• Family Sues US Mint for Return of Rare Gold Coins
• High Court Reverses Nevada Mining Decision
• Mining Industry Worried about Democrat-Controlled Congress
• Working on the Bear River
• Company Notes
• Looking Back
• The Upper Susitna Goldfields
• Palladium Hitting Jewelry Market
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes & Mineral and Metal Prices