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Picks & Pans: In Search of a Vein: Looking for Hardrock in the Talkeetna Mountains

Down, down, down I plummeted into the narrow granite chute. In a matter of a few seconds, I envisioned myself lying crumpled in a field of mammoth, sharp, jagged granite rocks. In those few seconds, my thoughts also imagined my life ebbing...

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• Nevada Congressman named vice chairman of Resources
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MMAC & PLP Update

We are quite pleased to report there are some courageous miners who have taken the time to learn their rights and have gone back to dredging while knowing they could be unlawfully harassed at any time by law enforcement…

Internet Forum Gold

I made my way up past where I left off and the wash was going to end in about 100 feet. It was then I got a sweet signal.

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My third sample location proved to be my last and most interesting. I needed to look no further.

Ask The Experts - How do you ship uranium samples to a lab?

Ask the Experts

Q: How can I locate good places to prospect and meet like-minded individuals at the same time?

Harshaw's Silver Days

In the Patagonia Mountains east of Nogales, Arizona, between the famed ruins of Mowry and the quaint old mining supply center town of Patagonia lies the remains of Harshaw, once a thriving mining camp in its own right.

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