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Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
July 2007 by Staff
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Colorado Considers Gold & Silver Currency
March 2012
Worried that the US dollar may not be good as gold, some Colorado lawmakers are pushing a bill to legalize gold and silver coins as usable currency.
Worried that the US dollar may not be good as gold, some Colorado lawmakers are pushing a bill to legalize gold and silver coins as usable currency.
Greens Force Strategic Mine Out of Business
March 2002
Communist China Now Controls Supply of Rare Minerals
Communist China Now Controls Supply of Rare Minerals
Melman on Gold & Silver
November 2001
Exactly one month ago—to the day—I was watching in stunned silence, along with billions of others around the world, as the immense tragedy of September 11 played itself out. Since that time, the President has issued a virtual declaration of war; actual attacks against the Taliban strongholds in Afghanistan have begun and the “other side” has threatened an escalation of terror.
Exactly one month ago—to the day—I was watching in stunned silence, along with billions of others around the world, as the immense tragedy of September 11 played itself out. Since that time, the President has issued a virtual declaration of war; actual attacks against the Taliban strongholds in Afghanistan have begun and the “other side” has threatened an escalation of terror.
Legislative and Regulatory Update
December 2017
- Bill to limit Antiquities Act
- PLF seeks relief from Endangered Species Act abuses
Miners Rally Successful
November 2005
Planning for the Northwest Miners Rally 2005, held August 19-20, began with a rocky start in March, with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announcing that it would like to move the rally out of Oroville, Washington, and out...
Planning for the Northwest Miners Rally 2005, held August 19-20, began with a rocky start in March, with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announcing that it would like to move the rally out of Oroville, Washington, and out...
Over The Divide—Merwin (Merv) H. Hemp
November 2004
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of one of our long time members and tireless workers, Merwin H. Hemp.
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of one of our long time members and tireless workers, Merwin H. Hemp.
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The Bawl Mill
• Ask the Experts
• More Tips for Evaluating Ores
• The Mountain Gate Mine
• The Basics of Small-Scale Heap Leaching with Cyanide Part I—History, Suitablility and Permitting
• Oregon Suction Dredge Permit Update
• In Pursuit of Gold and Silver in the Sierra Madres—Buying the Pilot Mill
• Life in the Alaska Gold Rush
• More Small-Scale Miners Attracted by Gold Prices
• Gold in New Zealand
• Ready “Ore” Not, Uranium Boom is On Again
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Looking Back