Prospecting & Detecting
Electronic Prospecting: The Hunt for Coarse Gold
September 2022 by Cal Kellogg
Standing on the edge of the canyon just after daybreak, I was filled with equal measures of excitement and trepidation.
Determining the Amount of Gold in Rich Ores
This is just the type of specimen that could have been easily ignored by the old-time miners. It felt a little heavier in my hand than a chunk of quartz of that size ought to have been.
From Vietnam to Wedding Bands
It’s a common symptom of gold fever for miners to be very hesitant to let go of gold they’ve found or even have it made into jewelry. I confess, I suffer from the same incurable disease!
Research and Fieldwork Yield Some Promising Gold
A week later, a small team of us hit it again, and this time the gold really showed up.
Man Who Died In Yellowstone In 2017 Was Looking For Hidden Treasure
It’s been seven years since Forrest Fenn announced the existence of the buried treasure, said to be worth nearly $2 million. It has prompted thousands to comb areas of New Mexico, Yellowstone National Park and elsewhere.
Maitland Bar Nugget to Go On Display
The box sat in a hallway and employees began using it for impromptu cricket games, no knowing what it contained.
Prospecting Old Mine Dumps With A Drone
Due to the lockdown, I spent lots of time indoors this spring and I decided to add a drone as a faithful mate in my research.
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