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BLM Swindles War Hero Out of Gold Mine
September 2002 by Robert Boatman
The Purple Heart license plates on Oliver Gregerson’s car inspire respect from everyone, except employees of the federal government. Oliver Gregerson says he has indisputable videotape evidence that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is guilty of criminal conspiracy and fraud, and he is taking them to federal court to prove it.Hard Rock 101: Advanced Micro Blasting
They… create negligible fumes and much less fly rock than blasting. Below are some tips on maximizing your effectiveness with these tools.
Gold in Rotten Rock
Rotten rock (saprolite) can be found in all warm, humid regions, but is best developed in humid, subtropical climates, like that found in the American South. Outwardly, it looks like bedrock, but upon closer inspection, it can be seen that roots penetrate it and that it can be worked with a shovel or hydraulic monitor.
Proposed Regulations for California Suction Dredging
One of the most asinine proposals in the SEIR is to require miners to state when and where they will be dredging. This information would be accessible to the public, which would make them prime candidates for getting their homes burglarized while they are out mining.
Gryphon Gold and the Borealis Project
Strange things do indeed occur. Here we were in western Nevada’s Walker Lake District, normally one of the driest areas for mining operations in America, and we couldn’t access a sizeable portion of Gryphon Gold’s project areas due to...
Legislative and Regulatory Update
• California Dept. of Fish & Game Stops Issuing Special Dredge Permits
• Clinton Advisor Defends Roadless Plan Process
• Forest Service to Seek Wilderness Status for Much of Chugach
New Regulations for Major Precious Metal Dealers
The Bush administration, in its latest effort to nab drug lords and terror financiers, will require major dealers in gold, diamonds and other precious metals and gems to set up comprehensive programs to combat money laundering, announced the Treasury Department.
A Good Start
We split up in order to cover a larger area and found good color almost everywhere. The bedrock was shallow on both sides of the river, but the inside bend was where we concentrated our prospecting.
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