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A Sleeping Giant
August 2005 by Paul L. Jones
For those who have the courage and resources to challenge the environmental opposition, I’d like to bring to their attention a potential new mining district in Montana that was suggested by an exploration project of The Bunker Hill Company about 30 years ago. I have no financial interest in the property or its future but feel the story should be told so that future generations might benefit from the mineral potential.Nevada Mining Tax Cap Repeal Clears Committee
An Assembly panel approved a measure to repeal the constitutional tax cap on net proceeds paid by mining companies in Nevada.
European Gold Miners Seek Clarification Letter
Three European gold mining companies want the Bank of England to publicly state its activities in the gold and gold derivitatives markets. In a letter to the Financial Times, three small mining companies representing the majority of European gold production said since the start of the year, scores of reports about manipulation of the gold price had surfaced.
The Goldfield Mining District, Nevada—Part I
An example of some of this extraordinary ore was a lot of about four tons from the Florence mine during the last days of a lease that averaged over 300 ounces of gold per ton.
Detecting Canyon Bedrock in The Sierras
My plan was to go up the canyon along a ridge and then drop into the canyon whenever I came across a spot that might give me reasonable access.
Oil Seeps in Arizona
Compared to California, Arizona has virtually no oil seeps. But, the great Permian Basin of West Texas has virtually none either. Arizona has something that neither California nor Texas have, and that is public lands that are open for leasing. The northern half of Arizona has more seeps and is thus of greater interest, but it would be foolish to disregard the southern half because giant oil and natural gas fields could underlie some of the broad desert valleys.
Looking Back
Excerpts from California Mining Journal, our original title, published 50 years ago this month.
Melman on Gold & Silver
What a month! It seemed as if one headline after another dwelled on one, and only one subject, that of the environmentalists’ concern over “global warming.” Politicians changed directions, mass demonstrations were held, Al Gore moved to the top of the media hit parade, and lawmakers were warming up to the task of revolutionizing our lives with torrents of new laws, regulations and policies.
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• The Paradox Basin—Part II
• Buying a Used Gold Dredge
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• The First Mine in America
• National Mining Hall of Fame to Induct Five
• Melman on Gold & Silver
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