Professional Equipment for Serious Detectorists!


Prospecting & Detecting

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Stories, tips & tricks

My Lucky Month of March

My wife Maureen and I spend part of our winter season in the Quartzsite, Arizona area. One fine March morning, we left our RV camping area at approximately 10am in search of that elusive yellow metal with our metal detectors.

Gold Rush in the Congo—Part II

We needed something to cook on, so we brought most of our kitchen with us including our full-size oven, which was pretty funny to see in the middle of a rainforest. Food was always a concern, but fortunately for us...

Ancient River Channels of Trinity County

Trinity County is located in the far northwest corner of California and stirs up many different memories for those who have been there.
Small-scale and commercial suction gold dredges.

Which Nugget Detector Should I Get?

The most commonly asked question in metal detecting is, “Which metal detector should I get?” People worry a lot about not getting the right machine. They do not want to waste their money and their time with the wrong metal detector.

Confluence Placers

Confluences of placer streams are well known as concentration sites for heavy minerals. The basic reason is that...

Gold Rush in the Congo

It all started with a phone call from my friend and prospecting partner Pat Keene. He told me that he knew of an investor who was just starting out in the gold industry and was looking for a gold consultant to go to Africa to prospect and analyze a 400 sq. mile concession in the middle of the Congo rainforest. I waited for the “just kidding” line...

Find of a Lifetime

My metal detecting hobby began about ten years ago when I bought a used metal detector for about $300. I got it specifically to look for meteorites. It was pretty much worthless, not user friendly, and I did not find anything with it.

All About Quartz—Part I

One of the first minerals most prospectors learn to recognize is quartz, because, in the right circumstances, it can be an excellent indicator mineral for prospectors. Quartz is common, easy to identify, and is often associated with gold and other valuable metal deposits.

Your Guide to Prospecting in Alaska

Alaska is getting a lot of interest these days, not least because of all the gold prospecting shows on television. Hardly a month seems to pass without some new prospecting show being announced, and a couple of the most popular feature Alaska.
The most sensitive gold probe available!

Shallow Water Crevicing Can Bring Big Rewards

Shallow water crevicing or sniping can produce gold if you’re persistent, a hard worker and lucky. It’s nice to have a snorkel, wet suit and goggles. The best practice for success, in my humble opinion, has always been to determine the best gold location and then figure out how to capture it.

A Father and Son Prospecting Adventure

As I write this, I am still on a rush from taking my 9-year-old son, Jeffrey, prospecting for the first time this past weekend. It’s not that he hasn’t been along on numerous outings before: this is the first time that just the two of us went out for a day of drywashing and detecting under the desert sun.

Advantages of Modern Prospectors

Modern-day placer miners have many advantages over the prospectors of the gold rush days. Our prospectors can reap many benefits from accumulated knowledge of the last 100 to 150 years, which is a long and impressive list.
Professionally engineered picks for prospectors, miners & treasure hunters

Searchers' Dreams

The story began in a southern Arizona mountain range...

Gold in Unlikely Places

Detectors have been around for decades now. And with thousands of them swinging, many of the best or at least most likely nugget places have seen a swinging coil. The part that amazes me is that so many nuggets still get pulled out of these seemingly pounded places.

Benefits of a Detecting Partner

“Metal detecting is not a social function.” So said a good friend of mine. And it’s true. But that’s not to say the benefits of having a prospecting partner don’t outweigh those of being alone.
Get the pitch correct on your sluice box!

Excavator Testing Wet Placer Ground

The excavator or backhoe has become the tool of choice for testing placer ground. These machines are the best way to explore and sample a placer deposit if the ground is not too wet or frozen and bedrock is not beyond the reach of the machine.

Hard Rock Milling: A Matter of Scale

Most prospectors understand placer mining a lot better than hard rock mining and don’t realize the amount of work that goes into processing different types of hard rock ore.

Paperwork Guy—A Cautionary Tale

I recently grew complacent, and it caused me to make a mistake that resulted in the loss of a mining claim. It brought my mining plans for the summer to a complete halt.

Detecting For Gold—Are You Up For It?

Over the years that I have been detecting for gold I have had many of the same questions come up. I decided to write this article to hopefully answer some questions that a person wishing to detect for gold may have.

A Trip Down the Yukon River

My girlfriend Beth and I decided to take our canoe down the Yukon and do some gold dredging...


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