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Our Readers Say Re: It's Time to Get the Heck Out of China

Seeking The Truth—A Letter From the Editor

Ask The Experts - What’s the status of suction gold dredge permitting in California?

Great Specials - See website for details!

Ask The Experts - How do I properly and safely dispose of blasting caps?

Ask The Experts - How much silver per ton does it take to make a mine profitable?

Ask The Experts - How clean do my gold concentrates need to be to pour a gold button or bar?

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Ask The Experts - What is the name and model of the old jaw crusher pictured in last month’s issue?

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• New California suction gold dredging regulations released—and they are just as bad as we predicted
• Dredgers file US Supreme Court response in Oregon case
• Washington State pushes same suction gold dredging narrative
• Pentagon reverses decision on rare earth projects

Dredging Tips and Tricks: T-80 Air Compressor Maintenance

The next morning, I retrieved the compressor and again attacked the sticky head bolt. As if by magic (and some applied physics) the head bolt sighed and finally broke loose.

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Hard Rock 101: Mechanical Techniques

Since we know that the secret to breaking rock is applying force from the inside out (putting tension on the rock), we will be looking at ways we can generate force using human and machine power.

Clearing the Nugget Trap with a Detector

On the day prior to Mother’s Day I was able to get out and spend a few hours prospecting. I wanted to try some new settings on my detector, and I had a place in mind to do that.

Resurrecting an Old Hard Rock Mine—Setting Up the Millsite

One of the first things we did while looking at buying the equipment was figuring out how it would dovetail into the milling process we already had in mind.

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Desert Prospecting Yields More Than Just Gold

This wash was not far from where I once dug a half-ounce nugget, so I knew there was gold in the area.

PLP Update: The Path for Legally Re-Starting Suction Gold Dredge Mining in 2021

Present conflicts and realizations having to do with dependence on China have illuminated the fact that suction dredge miners have a vital role to play and are an ignored and untapped domestic resource—until now.

Memories of Shirttail Creek, Northern California

…for a few hours, we fervently dug for gold. After we did a cleanup, I couldn’t believe the amount we got.

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Indictments Pile Up for Gold Traders

Several of the large banks are being investigated for illegal trading by the Department of Justice under the Trump administration, and some have already been indicted.

Melman on Gold & Silver

When governments are hit by a barrage of such economic news, they usually react by attempting to stimulate economic activity by spending money, as some might say, “like drunken sailors”…

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The Bawl Mill

Ask The Experts - What does a prospector look for when seeking ores?


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