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The Makorakoza of Zimbabwe—Centuries of Prospecting in Gold-Hosting Dolerites

Until a countrywide banning order in 2007, the undercover panners were living testimony to the presence of gold in a region not previously known for its occurrence.

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Groups Plan to Sue Over Lynx Protection

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Robert Sanregret—Attorney at Law
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Mining Camp Adventures—The Collinsville-Twin Creek Goldfields

Collinsville had been the scene of several small gold stampedes. The golden paystreaks had paid well here at times, with two main creeks producing most of the gold, including a 19 ounce nugget found on nearby Mills Creek, which flowed 100 yards away from the main camp.

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The Bawl Mill   • Ask the Experts—Why doesn't the 1872 Mining Law apply to all 50 states?   • Ask The Experts—Where do I find information about getting paid for raw gold?   • Understanding Geologic Deposit Models   • The Lost Silver Triangle of the Sierra Madre—Part II   • Prospecting for Diamonds   • Avino’s Durango Project   • Success With A Detector   • Horsetail Gold   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

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