Proposed changes to 36 CFR 228 Forest Service regulations -- your comments needed
September 14, 2018
by Scott Harn
ICMJs Prospecting and Mining Journal
The Forest Service published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register regarding changes to 36 CFR 228A regulations.
The “good” part is the agency is proposing expedited procedures for exploration that disturbs five acres or less and making the regulations more consistent with Bureau of Land Management regulations, which is what we have been advocating along with Public Lands for the People during multiple meetings with agency officials in Washington, DC.
The “bad” is the agency is trying to codify a 14-day limit for camping on Forest Service lands after losing in court in US vs. Lex & Waggener back in 2003, and the agency wants to require bonding for activities that were previously exempt.
Comments are due by October 15, 2018, and here is a link to the Federal Register Notice.
We will have more to say about this topic in our October 2018 issue.