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Miner's News

Massive lands bill now under consideration in the Senate -- Please call your legislators!

December 20, 2010

From our friends at the Northwest Mining Association:

We need your help to defeat the massive omnibus public lands package dubbed “America’s Great Outdoors Act of 2010” (S. 303). The US Senate is poised to vote on this legislation this week, although Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has stated he’ll bring them back after Christmas to vote on it if necessary.
You can call the Senate switchboard at 1-202-224-3121 or you can find contact information for individual Senate offices here. Please call your Senators and urge them to oppose any omnibus lands package!
Talking points to consider:
  • This public lands and waterways omnibus package of bills ignores the message sent by voters in November to end these giant bills loaded with new spending.
  • These bills will lock up more public lands, further restricting access to minerals and other job-creating development.
  • We firmly believe an omnibus package is the wrong way to try to pass these bills; if proponents want to pass new land-use restrictions, the bills should be considered individually on their own merit.
Phone calls helped defeat the omnibus spending bill. With your help, the same can happen to the lands bill.

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