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Call to Action: Senate considering Omnibus Lands bill to lock up millions of acres (Land Rights Network)

December 9, 2010

Land Rights Network
American Land Rights Association (ALRA)
Keep Private Land In Private Hands Coalition PO Box 400 - Battle Ground, WA 98604
Phone: 360-687-3087 - Fax: 360-687-2973
E-mail: alra@pacifier.com
Web Address: www.landrights.org
Legislative Office: 507 Seward Square SE - Washington, DC 20003

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have put together a massive bill with hundreds of Wilderness and land lock up bills inside that have not yet passed the Congress in 2010.
Things are being done in secret. No bill number yet. Included will be all the Wilderness Bills, Billion Dollar LWCF Trust Fund, Corps and EPA Land and Water Jurisdiction Grab and many, many more.
Reid is going around to the Republicans and getting them to agree to sign on. You must make it clear to the Republicans that this vote is a threat to rural America and you and will be remembered forever.
When you call, do not threaten. Just make it clear that this is a terrible bill where they have lumped together hundreds of bills that no Senator has read completely.
Let them know you are telling all your neighbors, friends, allies, and business associates about the Omnibus Federal Land and Water Bill and will remember how they vote on this bill when you vote in the future.
You must urge your Senators to filibuster, place a hold on, or otherwise delay the Omnibus Lands Bill. They must agree to vote against it when it comes to a vote. The Senate has a limited amount of time in the Lame Duck Session. Every day your Senator delays the bill gives rural America a better chance to survive this onslaught.
Do Not Make The Mistake Of Ignoring the Omnibus Land And Water Bill because it does not yet have a number. Harry Reid is trying to keep the bill in secret.
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Here is a new story about what the Greens are doing to pass the Omnibus Bill from the Politico website:
Please call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 223-3121 and ask for your Senator by name. When you get the office, ask for the person handling the Omnibus Federal Land and Water Bill being finalized by Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV).
The vote on this giant bill could come this week or next or even later so call your Senators immediately. The vote may be delayed. Make your calls every day. You cannot take a chance that Harry Reid will sneak the Omnibus Federal Lands Bill through in the dark of night.
Tell them you oppose the Omnibus Federal Lands Bill that will likely have the LWCF Trust Fund (S 3663) hidden inside. (They may change the bill number to fool you. Insist that they stop the LWCF Trust Fund).
Tell them you oppose the Omnibus bill eve if the LWCF Trust Fund does not get added.
They must also stop the Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab (HR 5088 and S 787). Any Senator may be called at (202) 224-3121.
The Omnibus Federal Lands Bill will likely have a completely new number and have these bills inside.
The 2010 Omnibus Lands Bill his a HUGE increase in Wilderness and land lock ups.
There must be an uprising of opposition to Congress passing any Omnibus Federal Land And Water Bill, Billion Dollar LWCF Land Acquisition Trust Fund and Corps and EPA Wetlands Water and Land Grab. They will likely be rolled into one package. It will be called The Omnibus Federal Land and Water Bill.
Chuck Cushman
American Land Rights Association
Keep Private Lands In Private Hands Coalition

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