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Miner's News

California DFG delays release of draft Suction Dredging Supplemental Environmental Impact Report; public meeting dates to be rescheduled

December 14, 2010

12-14-2010. From Mark Stopher at DFG:

Interested Parties
Our schedule for public release of the Draft SEIR and Suction Dredge Regulations has held a target date of the last week of December, 2010, for some time. I regret to inform you that we must defer this until approximately February 1, 2011. Assuming a release on that date I project a date of filing new regulations with the Secretary of State in mid-October 2011.
While we are close to final wording of the draft regulations and the analysis in the Draft SEIR we are not far enough along to conclude our final review, make any necessary edits and produce the document to release the documents in the next few weeks. We had previously projected public meetings for the last week in January and first week of February. These will also need to be rescheduled in late February or early March to allow some time for public review before the meetings.
As to public availability of these documents, we will be printing a very limited number of paper copies. At a production cost of a couple hundred dollars/copy we cannot afford to print a large number. We intend to make copies available at county libraries and some DFG offices for review on-site. The documents will also be available for review and downloading in adobe acrobat format from the DFG website at www.dfg.ca.gov and we will print several hundred compact disks with all of the files on them. We will mail compact disks on request and make copies available at the public meetings.
Mark Stopher
Environmental Program Manager
California Department of Fish and Game
601 Locust Street
Redding, CA 96001
voice 530.225.2275
fax 530.225.2391
cell 530.945.1344

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