Prospecting & Detecting
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October 2022 by Don Robinson
Additional articles that might interest you...
Dry Washer, Wet System or Metal Detector?
April 2016
I love to dry wash old nugget patches found by detector operators, and I have found my fair share of gold dry washing those areas. I have also found a few nuggets using a detector on the bedrock exposed by dry washing the patches.
I love to dry wash old nugget patches found by detector operators, and I have found my fair share of gold dry washing those areas. I have also found a few nuggets using a detector on the bedrock exposed by dry washing the patches.
Excavator Testing Wet Placer Ground
April 2013
The excavator or backhoe has become the tool of choice for testing placer ground. These machines are the best way to explore and sample a placer deposit if the ground is not too wet or frozen and bedrock is not beyond the reach of the machine.
The excavator or backhoe has become the tool of choice for testing placer ground. These machines are the best way to explore and sample a placer deposit if the ground is not too wet or frozen and bedrock is not beyond the reach of the machine.
Confluence Placers
June 2013
Confluences of placer streams are well known as concentration sites for heavy minerals. The basic reason is that...
Confluences of placer streams are well known as concentration sites for heavy minerals. The basic reason is that...
Dredging Backwards?
October 2012
Before I tell you what dredging backwards is, I’ll tell you why my team and I decided to give this very unconventional dredging method a try.
Before I tell you what dredging backwards is, I’ll tell you why my team and I decided to give this very unconventional dredging method a try.
Gold From Black Sand Tailings
October 2011
The pile up on the small hill had to be a couple yards of black sand. I’m not one to ignore a little gold even if it is small in size—I have always believed that gold fever comes in all sizes.
The pile up on the small hill had to be a couple yards of black sand. I’m not one to ignore a little gold even if it is small in size—I have always believed that gold fever comes in all sizes.
A Short History of Hydraulic Mining in California
December 2021
To add to the confusion, the dam wasn’t holding back a large amount of water. It was full of gravels and had a small creek running through it. I had to know more.
Detecting for Gold in Nevada
April 2014
Within a few minutes I got my first signal and dug out a small flake about three grains.
Within a few minutes I got my first signal and dug out a small flake about three grains.
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