Properties Classifieds
Oregon Gold Mines Sell Without Reserve
43856 Granite Hill Hwy, Sumpter, OR
Bald Mountain Mine 68.52+/- acres in a group of
patented mining claims consisting of the Bald
Mountain, Saginaw, Albine, and Three Star
lode mining claims.
Ibex Mine 111.67+/- acres in a group of
patented mining claims consisting of the
Ibex, Natchez, Pyrites, O.K., Green Horn and
Evening Star lode mining claims plus the Pearl
lode mining claim.
Auction starts: Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 10:00am EST
Auction Ends: Thursday, November 30, 2023, at 2:00pm EST
Open Public Inspections:
10:00 AM Friday Oct 20 & 27
Meet: There is a small gas station/convenience store on the main highway through Sumpter (around 120 Sumpter Highway) "Stage Stop Station" The tour group will be leaving promptly at 10:am. It is recommended that you bring a sack lunch.
Williams & Williams Wprldwide Real Estate, LLC
Philip R. Heiliger LIC. NO. 201211071
5% Buyer's Premium
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