November 2017 (Vol. 87, No. 03) $3.75
The Bawl Mill
- Apparently snow, rain, heat and gloom have been slowing down mail delivery
- Name that tune
Legislative and Regulatory Update
- EPA ends "sue and settle"
- Sage grouse mineral withdrawal cancelled
It Pays to Know Your Bedrock
On our last trip, we brought ropes and went down the first waterfall forty vertical feet, only to be confronted by a second, sixty-foot-high, overhanging waterfall that emptied into a slot canyon.
BLM Cancels 10-Million-Acre Sage Grouse Mineral Withdrawal
The very way it was done at the time didn’t give one much confidence in the objectivity and honesty of the BLM study.
Take it to Bedrock
Picking the right spot to placer has to do with years of experience, and a little luck. The textbooks can tell you where it should be, but sometimes the rules just don’t seem to apply.
The Beatty Mining District of Nevada
The Beatty Mining District in south-central Nevada has been one of the most productive Mining Districts in the state, producing millions of ounces of gold together with silver, fluorite, mercury and other valuable minerals.
Flood Plain Gold Deposits—What Are They Really?
We just completed a trip to another river, and yes, there was definite movement and redistribution of gravels, and other prospectors have seen this as well.
Exploring Iron Oxide Copper Gold Deposits
The excitement over IOCG deposits began with the discovery of a monster deposit at Olympic Dam in Australia in 1976. The discovery was accidental as the operator was searching for strata-bound copper deposits.
Conrey Dredge No. 4
The large buckets were favorable for the type of ground worked. The gravel was tenacious and compact, due to the existence of irregular pockets of clay.
Melman on Gold & Silver
Two potentially important Canadian projects, which could have produced revenues in the billions and jobs in the tens of thousands, have now been officially abandoned and the reasons offered by both relate to the economic impossibility of successfully negotiating all the regulatory obstacles that have been presented.