February 2017 (Vol. 86, No. 06) $3.75
The Bawl Mill
• EPA doesn’t “pay” by the rules
• 554 million off-limits -
Legislative and Regulatory Update
• Obama’s parting shots
• California suction dredging
• Oregon follows California’s lead
• Lawsuit coming; bill introduced to stop mining in Washington State
• President Trump halts new federal regulations -
Ask The Experts: Looking for help on unproven claim
Looking for help on unproven claim
Calcite and Limestone
The other distinguishing feature of calcite has to do with its chemistry. Geologists sometimes take a small bottle of dilute hydrochloric acid out into the field with them because calcite reacts with acids to make a bubbly foam. -
MMAC Update
One caller wondered why he should be required to join MMAC, asked why MMAC was not a non-profit, and compared it to some kind of extortion attempt. If he had questions like these, I assume there are others with similar questions and I will address them here. -
Detecting Basics: Lose the Bad Habits Not the Gold
I will make the assumption that when any of you take a detector in your hand and head out prospecting for gold you are probably anticipating finding some gold. That’s the general idea, right? -
Feather River Gold
I didn’t think too much of our dredge hole and we were both considering a move when we hit bedrock. There was a good quantity of flakes and fines, but no nuggets. -
Detecting Alluvial Bench Deposits
The same questions you ask yourself about gold trapping features in the present stream can be applied to the benches above the stream. Just imagine the stream at a much earlier time, before it cut its way down to the present level… -
Underground Mining: Getting the Ore Out
Choosing the right method to move your ore and waste is all about making the right choices. Sometimes more than one method may be used during the life of a mine as an operation expands and grows. -
From Vietnam to Wedding Bands
It’s a common symptom of gold fever for miners to be very hesitant to let go of gold they’ve found or even have it made into jewelry. I confess, I suffer from the same incurable disease! -
Trade-Ins, Swaps and Like-Kind Exchanges
While most prospectors, mine operators and business owners are aware that “like-kind” exchanges can be an excellent way to postpone the gain resulting when any of the operation’s assets are disposed of, few give any thought to the value... -
Melman on Gold & Silver
…they continue to strut around and make declarations and proclamations as if they were still in positions of power. In other words, in political terms, they haven’t “got the message” that they are now in a minority position…